
Getting to Know You

Birth to 5 Months | Oral Language

Prep:  None | Activity Time: 3–5 Minutes

The interaction between an infant and those adults closest to her is essential for the natural development of communication and language. You can increase blossoming communication development by adapting your behaviors to the “rhythm” of your infant’s needs.

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Step 1: Listen to your infant’s biological expressions, which are usually in the form of fussing, crying and vowel-like sounds (e.g. “aaam”). These expressions are letting you know what your infant needs. For example, your infant may cry a certain way every time she is hungry. She might cry or “fuss” in a different way when she wants to change her position while you are holding her. 

Step 2: Next, try to satisfy your infant’s demands by feeding her, holding her, changing her diaper or walking with her into another room. 

Step 3: Talk to your infant while you are comforting her. For example, when you hear your infant’s “fussy” cry, you might lean close to her or pick her up and say:

”Are you lonely? OK, Daddy is going to pick you up now. There, that’s better!” 

Step 4: Your infant will respond to your attempts at satisfying her needs in the form of contentment, pleasure or continued discomfort. 

Step 5: By interacting with your infant, you will establish a communication “rhythm” and form an important attachment that supports the healthy development of your infant.