
Musical Peek-a-Boo

6 to 11 Months | Phonological Awareness

Prep: None | Activity Time: 5 Minutes

Playing a simple game like Peek-a-Boo can form or strengthen amazing numbers of brain cell connections. Music at a young age also influences brain development. This activity of musical Peek-a-Boo combines both.

  • Musical toy 
  • ԰

Step 1: Take out a musical toy and show it to your infant. Listen to the music together. 

Step 2: While the music is playing, hide the toy under a blanket so that it is partially or completely out of your baby’s sight. 

Step 3: Using exaggerated arm movements and an animated voice, ask your baby:

“Where is the music? Can you find the music?” 

Step 4: When your baby looks towards the music or goes to find it, give her lots of excited acknowledgment.

“Do you hear the music? Did you find it?” 

Step 5: Lift off the blanket and say:

“Peek-a-boo, I can dance, can you?”

Dance with your baby until the end of the song. If your child is still interested, try it again with another song.